A new Camelot

It's the 20th of May 2009 and the news is full of stories of how British MPs have abused their tax free expenses.

How about electing new Members of Parliament in exactly the same way that jurors are found? A lottery that picks citizens who have no criminal record, born and domiciled in Britain and having been a tax payer.

They could be sent a letter inviting them to become an MP and a booklet outlining what their duties will be. They could also be given a short test before being approved.

Many people would be more than glad to do the job for half of what MPs are now getting. A rent free luxury flat in London would be much cheaper than the current expenses.

The system could pick one or two new members each month which could mean that each MP would be in Parliament for five or six years. Having one or two new members each month could be much less disruptive than having General Elections.

I would like people to comment, make tweaks to this idea and to pass it on. I have not yet thought of a name for it? Poliocracy maybe (rule by many)?

Here's one tweak: The Houses of Parliament could be made up of a percentage of 'People's Members of Parliament'? Say fifty percent PMPs and fifty percent of MPs?